As per the ebb and flow situation, SEO has gotten more significant for advancing your website in a search engine result page. On-page and Off-page SEO both are vital for any website to advance on the search engine. The website is less finished without applying on-page SEO. On-page SEO is more significant to get positioned well. In this article, we will disclose to one generally significant on-page point IP canonicalization. So be prepared and get the right and one of a kind information about the IP canonicalization. Presently, this is the ideal opportunity in light of the fact that SEO is going to change then you additionally need to work and adhere to all the standard and regulation with the strategies and do the legitimate optimization of your pages. Today, going to examine at pretty much all focuses with you about the Canonicalization on the grounds that and it is certain that it will help you to the legitimate website. 

On the off chance that your website isn't having canonicalization, it's anything but a mistake or copy content for the search engine. That implies in the event that you have a website which contains internal pages with having some equivalent content from various URL so it tends to be dangerous in the event that you don't have IP canonicalization on the website. 

What is IP canonicalization? 

IP canonicalization saves a website and sidetracks to your space name. IP canonicalization is more significant for SEO reason. For instance, when you open a website with www or without www and both are not made plans to a similar point, so search engine considers a two website with a similar content. On the off chance that the copy content on your website, it very well may be punished by search engine rules. You should need to fix this issue. 

How to check IP canonicalization? 

There is a thing that you can use to check IP canonicalization on the website. Essentially you enter your IP address into the location bar, on the off chance that it doesn't divert to the corresponding URL, you will realize the website's having IP canonicalization. There is a wide scope of instruments accessible online so you can take help to check this issue and settle it. Once assuming you have check IP canonicalization, you can fix it effectively by having great information by this article so read cautiously and make fix the issue. 

Read it also: How to monetize through AdSense

How to fix - IP canonicalization test? 

In the event that your website isn't having IP canonicalization, so you can without much of a stretch fix this issue by diverting. 301 and 302 divert accessible to redress it. 302 is for brief divert, you may utilize this if your website is under construction or something that you need to change very soon. 301 is a lasting redirection from URL to another URL. You can utilize it on your website to fix this copy issue. So your website will be protected and get not punished by the search engine. 

You can tackle IP canonicalization issue by utilizing mod_rewrite module and .htaccess. Simply duplicate underneath code and glue it .htaccess in website's root catalog.